Can´t find a cybersecurity engineer?
Don´t understand PCI DSS clauses?
Don´t know how to implement Compliance Requirements?
Your team is up a creek with inextricable Compliance tasks!


(Security Collaborative Management Service)

What is SecuCollab?

SecuCollab (Security Collaborative Management Services) is designed for Clients requiring PCI DSS Compliance and applies to Finance, Payments, Aviation, Insurance, and other Organizations requiring PCI DSS Compliance. It provides:


Collaborative Hosting Services

  • e.g.: Log Server, FIM Server, Vulnerability Scanning Host, etc.


Execution of

Periodic Technical Test

  • e.g.: Quarterly External/Internal Vulnerability Scanning, Cardholder Data Scanning, Configuration reviews, Firewall policy reviews, etc.


Monitoring & Alerting of Compliance Status

  • Monitor Compliance Technical Status.
  • Monitor System & Antivirus updates.
  • Monitor Execution Status of Periodic Tasks (incl. Virus Scans & Cardholder Data scans).
  • Analyze monitored Logs.
  • Alert to Supervisors if necessary (via Email, Line, SMS, etc.)


Security Hardening Configuration

  • Provide various Hardening Scripts.
  • Assist in enhancing Security of Systems or Services.


Collaborative Management

Compliance Solution for Payment System Environment

  • Provide necessary Components and Solutions.
  • You can focus on Core System Management.
  • You can focus on Payment System.
  • You can reduce costs of Compliance-required Components and services management.
  • You can reduce 40% manpower of Maintenance.
  • Moreover, stay updated anytime and anywhere!

Why need SecuCollab?

Professional Division

  • To achieve maximum Efficiency, SecuCollab deals with Compliance systems, operations, and testing required by PCI DSS. Clients can focus on managing Transaction Service Hosts, System Development, and Service Operations.

Four Eyes, an extra Layer of Supervision

  • To ensure no Issues due to Negligence, SecuCollab provides collaborative Supervision, regularly analyzes and monitors Changes in Configuration, identifies even the slightest Discrepancies, and notifies Clients in time.

Secured & compliant Assistance

  • SecuCollab is Service Provider of PCI DSS Compliance and assists you all sorts of Security Knowledge, Trouble-shooting with Suggestion of Security Hardening  Configuration and Automated Scripts.

Save Time, Energy and Cost

  • To save PM’s time and energy, SecuCollab covers 80% of various tasks (incl. Internal PT, in/external Vulnerability scanning, Card number scanning, etc.)

Benefit of SecuCollab

SecuCollab is fast and low-cost Management Service.
It is designed to maintain PCI DSS compliant and assist collaborative management of Payment System. 


3x speed to pass Assessment


– 75% To-Do Item


– 40% Manpower


Clients can focus on Service Systems Management


Collaboration to enhance Cardholder Data Protection


Reduce 40% of HR Cost,

but easier to get compliant


SecuCollab stay in control of Compliance status

This is the fastest way to achieve PCI DSS Compliance, by saving time and energy, reducing costs, and maximizing personnel efficiency.

It is possible to get PCI DSS Compliance within 1 month!!!

Client’s operational  Environment


SecuCollab compliant Environment


PCI DSS Compliance